Courtesy of the GOA, go here if you are an NRA member let them know what you think:

The national leadership of the NRA has been denying that they are in talks with Senator Manchin (D-WV) and others on a possible compromise regarding, in particular, Universal Background Checks. I do applaud the no compromise public stance the NRA has taken on this issue. But from past experience (most egregiously, the cooperation on the drafting of the 1968 GCA, but there have been many more — i.e. the Orwellian named DISCLOSE Act), I am not satisfied that my NRA has been vigorous enough and in-your-face enough with politicians who are even participating in any negotiations whatsoever. There should *be* no negotiation with ANYONE who wants ANY kind of gun control EVEN improvements to the current background check system. Mark my words: Any gun control whatsoever coming to the Senate floor will be a death knell for the Second Amendment.
The NRA should be sending a message to all US Senators with a better NRA rating than ‘F’. That message should be that NOT supporting the Rand-Lee-Cruz (and reportedly, Rubio and Inhofe have added their voices) will affect your NRA rating negatively by at least one grade letter and will be cause for immediate loss of any subsequent endorsement.
This is not a time for compromise and deal making, especially on the NRA’s part.
As a life member, I expect you to make a public statement challenging all D or greater rated Senators that their grades will be downgraded and potential endorsements lost should they not back the filibuster.
Thank you.
Stay Dangerous, My Friends.