All posts by paul iadonisi

How’s “No. Your Move.” for an Argument

Ah, yes, as is often the case, those fact checking sites turn out to be statist shills. First there was Snopes (or actually, I think there was one before it, but forgot the name), then, and now we have someone over at seeking a bloody civil war.

In his latest cracked (up) post he brings up four points that freedom lovers bring up during any debate on gun people control.

I’m not going to fisk his entire post. There’s plenty of rebuttal for just about every point he makes all over the ‘net and dead tree letters to the editors.

But the bottom line is, the answer is “No.” As Bob Owens said, We, the supporters of the Constitution, are in the position of strength. So why should we compromise? Show me one time in history an instance when those interested in individual liberty compromised with those who wished to control them and it didn’t benefit those on the side of control and be detrimental to those on the side of liberty.

Go ahead. I’ll wait.

There’s been enough carnage, in the 100s of millions, due to tyrants killing their own innocent countrymen in the 20th century alone (after disarming them, of course), that we simply do not trust you. And never will.

Yes, we’ve figured it out. You are lying through your teeth when you say things like we should license guns they way we license cars. You are a liar.

Cody at Cracked whines about the four most meaningless annoying arguments he hears from pro-gun folks ending the argument. He makes it sound like they’re four magic incantations recited by the faithful that puts metaphysical tape over their opponents’ mouths. If these end the argument, maybe it’s because you hoplophobes haven’t come up with believable counterarguments, eh?

There’s always a gun people control debate after a tragedy involving firearms. The problem for you statists who would control us is that you keep using the same old tired arguments that the majority of populace does not buy.

It’s obvious that the antis are feeling a bit defeated these days. But it’s clear to this writer that there’s plenty of debate going on, just nothing new.

Ayn Rand said it best: “A gun is not an argument.”

And we know damn well that those who would restrict us further in our right to keep and bear arms would have no compunction about using government guns to enforce their edicts. Whether you accept it or not, that makes you an accessory to the state sponsored murder of me and those who think like me. Although I have scant hope that there would be a 100 heads response to my death by tyrant, you can rest assured that the collectivists’ army will eventually take out someone of enough significance that you who advocate for our disarmament most definitely will be one of those 100 heads sought out as a result. To echo Billy Beck’s take on those who think they only advocate common sense gun laws but really advocate for reversing the government to citizen equation:

Get those guns out of my face and I can be the sweetest person you ever met. I will always meet you on your premises.

Should you succeed in subversively enacting further control over our lives, you’re advocacy will not be forgotten when the killing of those who love liberty begins. You can be certain that our side will be operating under Clinton’s “Serbian Rules.”

When it comes to my unalienable human rights, I will not argue to make my point. Not because our side doesn’t have great arguments for the uninfringed right to keep and bear arms, as we most certainly do. I will only argue for my own entertainment.

Tam, of the blog View from the Porch gets credit for an often quoted footnote to one of her “tab clearing” posts: “Where the hell do you get off thinking you can tell me I can’t own a gun? I don’t care if every other gun owner on the planet went out and murdered somebody last night. I didn’t. So piss off.”.

So, yeah: do that.

Update: via Mike, Mama Liberty says, “Get over it” which is a slightly nicer way of saying Tam’s “So piss off.” ML’s post is great. Go read it. (I still like “piss off” better than “get over it” but it’s a great post, nonetheless. :-))

Open Carry Chronicles, Issues #5-8

2012/07/10: Bojangles: an elderly couple engages in small talk with me, but I can’t hear much of what they say over the chatter of the other customers. Something about my job, maybe asking what I do given that I carry a gun. They’re all smiles, so I just nod and smile back. 🙂

2012/07/10: Food Lion: One employee, who has seen me before and noticed how I stacked my groceries in such an organized way, asks if I have OCD. I say, “Absolutely!” She then makes more small talk and asks if I’m a detective. This is where I overdo it and go on about how I’m glad I moved down here from MA seven years ago and it was a feeling of “finally, freedom!” She says something about “some people” trying to “stop it” meaning people carrying guns I guess. I say, “well, good luck to them.” I really should have kept this conversation a bit more brief. But no harm done. Another employee walks by me and says, “Sir, you have a gun on your hip,” just trying to be funny. I just laugh and say, “Thanks for telling me!”

2012/07/17: IHOP: One of the waitresses who has waited on us before and asked, “What job do you have that you carry a gun?” a while back. She had made some silly comment about being glad to know where she can get a gun if a bad guy comes in, implying that she would just pull mine out of the holster. Yikes. Reminder to self: check holster retention real good before going into IHOP from now on. Anyhow, that was a while ago. This time she was pretty funny, saying that “that’s a big-ass gun” and asking what it was. I told her it was a 1911 .45, and she when on and on about how she shot a Desert Eagle 50 cal and how it dislocated her shoulder (probably exaggerting a bit there) and that she then went and bought the gun. Anyhow, it was a fun conversation (or funny, at least).

2012/07/22: Bojangles: Some customer asks me if “that’s a 1911.” I respond my usual way with, “it’s all I carry.” He asks if it’s a .45 and I say yes. He says, “that’s kind of big,” I think meaning he thought it was a bit inconvenient to carry. I just say that it’s not a big deal when you’re carrying openly. He says he’s “more of a Glock guy.” I acknowledge it, but purposely trail off so he can’t hear exactly what I say, signaling that I really don’t want to take that conversation any further. I think he got the message. All good, though, there didn’t seem to be any negative feedback.

I also have another general open carry post coming up. More people on the internet are wrong, so I guess I have to address it.



But I Heard that 1911s Suck!

From experts, no less!

That means that this couldn’t ever have happened. It’s a lie.

(Yeah, it’s a 9mm, but given that just about any design, when shrunk down, will run into problems that the original design didn’t, that actually speaks better of the common .45 caliber version of the 1911.)

Next time some Glock fanboy echoes the Glock “Perfection” slogan or some such nonsense, have him do an internet search.

Neither the endurance test nor the Google search above are proof positive of anything. But each are definitely counter-examples of the Religion of Glock(tm).

“Stay Dangerous”

I am guilty of making the mistake of seeing off soldiers who are going into a battle zone with a comment something like “stay safe.” I’ve since learned, from a great line in Battlestar Galactica, as well as elsewhere in real life, that that’s in bad form. You don’t tell a soldier to stay safe. His job is to be unsafe. His job is to be dangerous. You tell a soldier, “Good Hunting,” or something similar.

Alvie has a Doble Equis mock up that I hope goes viral. “Stay Dangerous, My Friends.”

Indeed. Life is dangerous. Be more dangerous than the tyrant or the freelance socialist (the common criminal). And win.

Nice job, Mr. Dobbs. And great answers, David and Mike.

Ann Coulter Nails It Again

Mike Vanderboegh links to an article on by Ann Coulter which she ends with this:

Innocent people dying was the objective of Fast and Furious, not collateral damage.

It would be as if the Bush administration had implemented a covert operation to dump a dangerous abortifacient in Planned Parenthood clinics, resulting in hundreds of women dying — just to give pro-lifers an argument about how dangerous abortion clinics are.

That’s what Fast and Furious is about.

Why does a Walter Duranty quote come to mind? Something about an omelet.

The co-conspirators of Fast and Furious intended for people (mostly Mexicans) to die and facilitated their deaths to give them a justification push an agenda that has been a losing political proposition since the 1994 elections.

The only thing botched about this operation is they got caught.

How many people went to prison over Watergate, a crime where no one was killed? And yet we still have criminals with murderous intent, not only walking free, but lording it over us.

h/t Mike

Something Every Cop Should Watch

I have to wonder if Curtis is still around and reads my posts. If you are, please watch the video below and learn.

It is absolutely not a probable cause to stop anyone legally carrying a firearm for the sole reason of legally carrying a firearm (insofar as the absolute human right to keep and bear arms is respected and not unconstitutionally prohibited in the jurisdiction in question). “Getting calls,” and “concern,” and “public safety,” are irrelevant.

More cops need to be slapped down like this. Though not the purpose of carrying openly, where cops keep doing this they need to be dragged through the court system until they stop. This is the essence of open carry activism.

And Rob Pincus and James “I put cameramen in the firing-zone” Yeager can suck my 1911.

Update: For those using readers that see multiple posts for updated posts, apologies. Stupid embedded Youtube links always seem to end up too big in Blogger. Way to go Google. Also, forgot to give credit. h/t Raeshawn via ENDO-Mike at Everyday No Days Off – Gun Blog

Silver Lining?

Many are noting that there have been two camps developing among those who oppose the health control bill regarding the SCOTUS ruling yesterday. One thinks John Roberts is a genius, others are calling him a traitor.

My take is that we lost SCOTUS long ago as a guardian of the Constitution. So, I’m pretty much in a agreement with Rand Paul that it doesn’t matter what five (or even if it were nine) black-robed tyrants think about the Constitutionality of a law.

This ruling was no exception. An egregious example of how far SCOTUS has veered from the Constitution and from protecting individual liberty.

So, putting aside this poor ruling, admitting it is a loss as a whole, with the tiny victory of the Commerce Clause not being expanded any further, it is possible for Congress to act to put this human rights violation behind us.

It’s a strategy I hadn’t thought of, and will likely require a GOP President. Sadly, the presumptive nominee is such a wobbly-legged, political-wind-checker that it’s still no slam dunk. But since the court has put the lie to statement that this is not a tax, this can now be passed by the Senate with a simple 51-vote majority via the reconciliation process.

Thank you, Jim DeMint for being willing throw this back in the regressives’ faces. And since this is unequivocally a tax, now, the process is legitimate.

Take that, Pelosi. No pole vaulting or parachuting in this time.

It’s Not Your Salesmanship, It’s What Your Selling

To Rangel and company, you’re trying to sell us shit and convince us it’s Shinola.

“It gives us the opportunity to re-sell the bill which we did not do before,” he added. More

You’re dreaming, Mr. Definition-of-Corruptocrat. You tried to sell it. My own former congressman tried to condescendingly tell me why this health control bill was good for everyone in a five paragraph letter — a month after I called to register my opposition to the atrocity — wherein he never once mentioned the Constitution. The last line of my letter to Mr. Etheridge was, “In sum: You’re Fired.” And so he was.

To to the regressives now in control of the Senate and the White House and who hope to regain the House of Representatives: You’re Fired. And that goes for weasels like Dick Lugar, as well.

More Than Two Guys with Typewriters

Woodward and Bernstein would be lost in the masses, today. Thanks to two guys with computers and a vast army of noisemakers, the corrupt, murderous tyrants such as Eric Holder can no longer get away with that murder so easily. This war is long from over. Even if this progresses all the way to Eric Holder in handcuffs, I strongly suspect there will be an unconditional pardon waiting for him.

As far as Obama is concerned, impeachment is too good for him. What would be better is to see someone come out in fear after this Contempt of Congress vote and spill all the beans, naming names. Hey, I can dream, can’t I? As Mike said today, whodathunk we’d get this far.

Thank you, David.

Thank you, Mike.

A Suggestion for a Gunwalker Etymology

Found on Facebook:

Ever since the infamous Watergate scandal of the Nixon administration, it seems every new scandal gets the dishonor of the -gate suffix. Climategate, Filegate, Nipplegate, to name just a few. Find a much longer list here.

The -walker suffix may be appropriate for future murderous scandals. And if Holder and Obama walk out of this unscathed, the prefix maybe even more appropriate, and I’d also expect that wannabe petty tyrants will transform into bolder, truly murderous tyrants.

What say you?